Everything gaming.
How to get OP in The Binding of Isaac: Repentance
I've spent a lot of time playing Binding of Isaac and I'm still having a really hard time getting OP like streamers on Twitch and YouTube. How do you get OP in this game?
Blaster Master for the NES is a great game, but...
The first five levels of the game are fantastic, unique, and fun. The level design is beautiful and the music is captivating. I don't know what it is, but levels 6, 7, and 8 just felt quickly thrown together with more linear level design, simpler graphics, and repeated music. Does anyone else think that or is it just me?
Fortnite Refunds: FTC Settlement Brings $245M Back to Players
Epic Games, the developer of the popular game Fortnite, has agreed to pay millions in refunds to players following a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This comes after allegations that the company used deceptive billing practices and unfair design choices that led users, especially younger players, to make unintended in-game purchases. The settlement includes a $245 million refund pool for affected players, marking one of the largest actions taken by the FTC in the gaming industry.