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Josh Rowe - Web Designer & Developer #webdesign #webdev #seo #digitalmarketing

7 followers 5 following
I made a game! It's called "Blockade" and takes a different approach to the match-3 puzzle solving genre. Now available for Windows and Mac on #Steam 👉👉👉 #gaming #pcgaming #puzzlegames Thanks to everyone for your support!
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Learning mobile development over the years has been an absolute blast! My first mobile project was Blockade, a match-3 puzzle and strategy game where you have to eliminate blocks in threes in order to clear the board and move onto the next level.

It was a fantastic learning experience and am proud to say that it has relaunched for iPhone in the App Store:
I really hope you all enjoy it! More fun stuff in the works!
Learning mobile development over the years has been an absolute blast! My first mobile project was Blockade, a match-3 puzzle and strategy game where you have to eliminate blocks in threes in order to clear the board and move onto the next level.
It was a fantastic learning experience and am proud to say that it has relaunched for iPhone in the App Store:
I really hope you all enjoy it! More fun stuff in the works!
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My first #Steam game has been submitted for review! Should hear anything back within the next 3-5 business days. Fingers crossed 🤞 #gamedev
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This is a fantastic introduction to #Figma for newbies and a great refresher for seasoned users - #webdesign
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Another great tool with thousands of icons to choose from. I used many of the animated icons in my site redesign. They really helped bring the overall design and layout to life and it was super affordable! #webdesign
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This is a great tool for generating random color palettes for design inspiration! #webdesign #webdesigner
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With Core Web Vitals metrics in place, Lighthouse 10 is removing the Time to Interactive (TTI) metric, increasing Page Speed scores for most web pages. Coming in Chrome v112 on March 29th. #SEO
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I remember starting out learning #SEO and feeling like I was in way over my head. This guide by Moz was a great start and something I highly recommend for anyone!
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